There is ample information about #Mental Health# out there especially today. This reminds me to go back to basics.
Eat well, sleep well, practice relaxation, breathe out fully to calm parasympathetic nervous system and spend time moving in fresh air. Embrace life.
This sounds rather simplistic,
but without these #anxiety disorders#, #PTSD#, #depression#, #long-term difficulties around loss#, long-term difficulties managing anxietys around #disordered eating/eating disorders# and #addictions# may develop.
Setting realistic, achievable #goals#, reminding yourself of your #resources#, #limiting worry time# to a particular time slot, using your #imagination# strictly to #visualize a healthy you# and #finding different explanations#,
#STRESSING THE POSITIVE#: Seek various explanations, edit out your own negative interpretations, remind yourself that this crisis will pass, counter negative actions and words from others, create your #own movie# how of you in your #preferred future#.
are the work I encourage clients to formulate in order to #take back control#
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